The Dark Side

“You know, as surely as you know the pain of a hangover or a headache, that every time you worship the creature instead of the Creator, every time you give your deepest heart and love and hope to any other god but God, this false god always cracks and crumbles into dust, always. You know that the pleasures this false god gives are only temporary. And that even when they come, they spoil all other pleasures like a drug destroying the enjoyment of other food.

And you also know as surely as you know a hot bath or a cold shower, what happens whenever you give your whole heart and life to God. All creatures light up with the light of the true Son. When you worship the creature, the lights of all creatures turn to darkness. When you worship the Creator, all creatures flameout with beauty. You know that. And yet you find it terribly difficult to obey the first commandment of sanity; to love the Lord God with all your heart. How much more insane could you possibly be? What is more insane than preferring misery to joy?"
~Peter Kreeft

“It is because we are standing on our heads that Christ’s philosophy seems upside down.”
~G. K. Chesterton


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