One Horizon

(Photo by Remo Savisaar)

“Look at the horizon, Felix”, I said, pointing southward over the water. “Can you see it?”
“No, the day is very fair, but the haze obscures the arc of the planet.”
“Exactly. Yet it is there. Why do you think we are looking for it, now, at this very moment?”
“The sight is a beauty to behold. It consoles and beckons.”
“Yes, but there is more: Does not man look up into the infinite because he knows in the heart of his soul that this is not our permanent home? That he is more than he thinks he is?”
“I suppose you’re right. Yes, we know this instinctively—if know is the correct word. We are not bio-mechanisms. We are not clever, talking animals.”
“The Kingdom of Heaven is within us, though it is not yet realized in its fullness. The Kingdom is beyond us too, and it is for the eternal union that we long.”
“The horizon shows us the way, you mean.”
“The infinite horizon and the horizon within you are one horizon.”

~From a novel by Michael O’Brien


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