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O Radiant Dawn!

(Found here ) “The sun is a powerful symbol of the ancient world. All nascent civilizations revolved around it as the giver of day and nourisher of life. To see the sun’s rays burst over the horizon is a sign of hope amidst the darkness of night. They announce a new day and all the aspirations that accompany it. Light is especially significant to Judaism, as it is the first reality created by God: ‘Let there be light’ (Gen. 1:3). With this declaration, all things are thrust into being. It is no coincidence that God made light before all else. For it is an analogy of his son ‘through whom all things were made’ (Col. 1:16). The light of creation is a precursor to the Light of the World (John 8:12). The birth of Jesus is the dawn of ages that points to a new day of salvation.” ~Blake Britton

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