The Living God My Shepherd Is

The living God, my Shepherd is,
I know no care or need:
He guides me where rich pastures grow,
Along the verdant mead,
Where everyday, by pleasant way,
My hungering soul may feed.

He leads me where cool waters flow,
By rippling stream and rill,
Where I may taste the springs of life,
My thirsting spirit fill;
He near me bides and homeward guides
My vagrant heart and will.

I nothing fear; thou art, O Lord,
With me through night and day,
Intent, with shepherd’s staff and rod,
To guide me when I stray,
And in the fold thou dost uphold
My fainting heart always.

And so through all the length of days,
Thy mercy waits on me,
At last within my Father’s house,
Thy glory I shall see;
Thee ever more will I adore
Through all eternity.

~Words: Translation of the 23rd Psalm by English Jesuit priest John Driscoll & Music: BROTHER JAMES AIR by J. L. Macbeth Bain


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