Facta, Non Verba (Deeds, Not Words)

"...Whatever love means now, it once meant fidelity, generous concern, and joyful giving of self. That's what it means when in the Scriptures we are called to love God and our neighbor. We see the highest expression of love in Christ's obedience to the Father's will that He drink the cup of human suffering and do always 'the will of Him who sent me.' We see His love for human beings, His neighbors, in His whole life of self-giving, His compassion, His work among the poor and sick.

...If an honest friend looked at me and my life, could that person say that I love the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength, and my neighbor as myself? Or am I just giving enough to pass? How beautiful is a life of fidelity, dedication, and generosity. How dull and depressing is anything else."
~Benedict Groeschel


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