Infused Love, Deep Delight, and Peace
"The greatest of all commandments is before all else a prayer commandment. To have one's whole heart, soul and mind filled to overflowing with the love of God is to be filled with the highest prayer. The core and essence of the transforming union are nothing other than a complete identification with God in love.
...This love, says St. Paul, is poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit Who is given to us. Love poured out is, of course, infused love--the two words mean the same thing. The psalmist who declares that he delights in nothing else on earth but his Lord further proclaims that his flesh and his heart are pining with love, that his joy is to be near God.
...The psalmist shouts that his heart exults and his soul rejoices in God, Who is before him always. Nothing can unsettle this singer to the Lord, and he knows that he will have unbounded joy in the divine presence, everlasting pleasures at his right hand. St. Paul admonishes the Philippians to rejoice in the Lord always and to experience a peace that is beyond all understanding. The infusion of divinely given strength, says Paul, comes from God's own glorious power, and it enables us to endure anything joyfully."
~Thomas Dubay
...This love, says St. Paul, is poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit Who is given to us. Love poured out is, of course, infused love--the two words mean the same thing. The psalmist who declares that he delights in nothing else on earth but his Lord further proclaims that his flesh and his heart are pining with love, that his joy is to be near God.
...The psalmist shouts that his heart exults and his soul rejoices in God, Who is before him always. Nothing can unsettle this singer to the Lord, and he knows that he will have unbounded joy in the divine presence, everlasting pleasures at his right hand. St. Paul admonishes the Philippians to rejoice in the Lord always and to experience a peace that is beyond all understanding. The infusion of divinely given strength, says Paul, comes from God's own glorious power, and it enables us to endure anything joyfully."
~Thomas Dubay