He is with us

Read John 21:1-14

"The Gospel puts in the incredibly human detail that Christ gave them a fish breakfast. Why the fire, the fish, and the bread? To let you and me know again that He was not an apparition but rather the same Jesus of Nazareth they had known, and He was humanly concerned about their needs even in His risen state. How awesome and great is the God of revelation, and yet how capable of little acts and humble deeds--a God who serves breakfast. 'I am among you as One who serves' (Luke 22:27).

This is only the beginning. For the past two thousand years Christ has been with His followers in innumerable ways and circumstances. It may be in the silent mystery of Holy Communion or in a prayer said at the bedside of a dying friend. It may be at an event of lifelong significance--a marriage or an ordination--or merely at breakfast. He is with us. 'It is the Lord.' Let genuine prayer teach you this, and you will not even have to ask, 'Who are You?' You will know."
~Benedict Groeschel


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