Perfect Resignation

“O Christ my Lord, who for my sake and my brethren’s didst forgo all earthly comfort and fullness, forbid it that I should ever again live unto myself. Amen.”
~John Baillie

“…perfect resignation to God [is] a sure way to heaven, a way in which we always have sufficient light for our conduct. In the beginning of the spiritual life we ought to be faithful in doing our duty and denying ourselves and then, after a time, unspeakable pleasures followed. In difficulties we need only turn to Jesus Christ and beg His grace with which everything became easier.

…many do not advance in Christian progress because …they neglect the love of God which is the end.
…[we need] neither art nor science for going to God, but only a heart resolutely determined to apply itself to nothing but Him and to love Him only.”
~Brother Lawrence


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