Keep Going!

“Keep going! Don’t look back! Look ahead and trust God, but don’t trust the next year will be wonderful. Rather, be convinced that God will go with you. Christ will walk with anyone who invites Him along. The Lord is my shepherd. Why should I be afraid? I don’t expect everything to be wonderful next year; in fact, one of these years will be my last one on earth. I don’t expect blue skies every day; that would mean a drought. But I do know that I will not be alone, because the lips of the Man who was born in Bethlehem would say as He left this world thirty years later: ‘I will be with you always even to the end of the world’ (Mt 28:20).

Lord Jesus, as I end another year and prepare for the next one, make me ever more aware of Your presence. Help me to rest in Your presence even more than I have in the past. Help me spread the knowledge, the fragrance of Your presence wherever I go. Let more and more people know that You are with them, even in these anxious times. May this year, more than any previous one, be spent in Your presence. Amen.”
~Benedict Groeschel


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