Outside of History
“What may seem trivial from the historical standpoint, may be particularly profound from the spiritual, for there is no such thing as a ‘history’ of the Son of God in the human sense of the word. Through birth he became part of human history; living in it, working and suffering; on the cross he fulfilled his human destiny, and in the Resurrection he crossed the border between time and eternity. Granted, within these prescribed events he was completely historical, yet always he remained God. Everything he did was done from the eternal; everything he experienced was caught up into the eternal. Living in time ‘under guardians and stewards’ (Gal. 4:2), by his act of complete surrender and obedience he remained Lord of time, Creator of the new creation. Though we cannot separate Jesus from the historical situation of his age, uncertainty of date in his life suggests more than a mere lack; it emphasizes here in time the ever active presence of eternity.”
~Romano Guardini
~Romano Guardini