Moral Decay

I have been reading a number of articles and trying to stay on top of some of the significant matters facing American morality today. The following is a very brief note followed by a quote. I attempted to change the wording enough to make it my own. However, I am not trying to claim all of the exact wording/phrasing as my own as I am sure it was significantly influenced by much of what I have read.

Genesis is where God made man and woman for each other. The created cannot overturn the work and will of the Creator without dire consequences. Making homosexual ‘marriage’ legal will not make it right and will further add to the moral confusion of our times. What is called ‘progressive’ currently is many times simply a cover for a radical ideology which fails to respect human dignity and undermines morality, marriage, and the family. The agenda calling itself ‘progressive’ in American politics today is not progressive; it is regressive and ripe with moral decay. It is adding to the downward spiral of our civilization.

G. K. Chesterton prophesied well, “We will not be able to destroy the family. We will merely destroy ourselves by disregarding the family.”


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