Preaching to myself...
“Our life and our death is with our neighbor. If we win our brother, we win God. If we cause our brother to stumble, we have sinned against Christ.”
~Anthony the Great
“You don’t build a house by starting with the roof and working down. You start with the foundation.”
They said, “What does that mean?”
He said, “The foundation is our neighbor whom we must win. The neighbor is where we start. Every commandment of Christ depends on this.”
~St. John Colobus
~Anthony the Great
“You don’t build a house by starting with the roof and working down. You start with the foundation.”
They said, “What does that mean?”
He said, “The foundation is our neighbor whom we must win. The neighbor is where we start. Every commandment of Christ depends on this.”
~St. John Colobus