A Way Of Life

“Ideas, practices, self-identities, however, are not easily abandoned, nor should they be. Yet, the Christian life, and its baptismal grace unique to each life, calls us to follow on the road after the Savior and enjoy his intimate company where the kingdom of God breaks out like so many wildflowers along the roadside in Spring.

We travel light, in the sense that our ideas of ourselves and of God are apt to be challenged and cleansed of their delusions rather frequently. And a readiness to follow the law of love and selflessness, especially when it comes to dealing with abusive and abrasive people (= enemies) is demanded.

Jesus put it succinctly: ‘Repent (or change), and believe in the good news’ (Mk. 1:15). This conversion will be called out of us, not just once, but repeatedly, until it finds the fertile soil deep within our hearts. Conversion is not a happening so much as a way of life.”
~Francis Kline


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