(Artwork by Ilya Repin - found here) |
“The holy man does not differ from the sinner in the fact of not being similarly tempted, but rather to the extent that the former is not overcome by some great onslaught, whereas the latter is defeated by even a minor temptation. And the brave endurance of some just man would not be worthy of praise if his victory were unaccompanied by temptation, for it is surely true that there can be no place for victory where the clash of a contest is missing. ‘Blessed indeed is the man who endures temptation because after passing the test he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him’ (Jms. 1:12). According to Paul the apostle the virtue of a man is brought to perfection not amid idleness and pleasure but in infirmity. And then this saying: ‘Today I have set you up into a fortified city, into a pillar of iron and a wall of bronze over all the land, over the leaders and kings of Judah, over its priests and over all the people of the earth. And they shall make war against you, and they shall not be victorious because I am with you, says the Lord, so that I may protect you’ (Jer. 1:18-19).”
~St. John Cassian