Abba! Father!

“All the thoughts inspired by the Holy Spirit may be distilled to their essence in the one cry: Abba! Father! . . . No one can enter this Kingdom who will not yield like a child at play and agree to be led by the Spirit of God in the roundelay of God’s children.

But in order to dance with such freedom we must first unlearn all those encumbering adult habits that fill us with slavish fear and chain us to the earth, all those corrupting tendencies that inhibit the heart from recognizing that God alone is great and that before him we are all children.

We must work at making ourselves very small, until the greatest joy of our hearts will be to exclaim to God with boundless trust: Abba! Father! (cf. Rom 8:14-15). Only this password, in the Child Jesus’ mother tongue, will gain us admittance to the Kingdom.”
~Erasmo Leiva-Merikakis


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