Good Friday
O sacred head, surrounded
by crown of piercing thorn!
O bleeding head, so wounded,
reviled and put to scorn!
Our sins have marred the glory
of Thy most holy face,
yet angel hosts adore Thee
and tremble as they gaze
~Words: Paul Gerhardt; based on poem ascribed to Bernard of
Clairvaux & Music: Hans Leo Hassler; arranged by Johann Sebastian Bach
(partial re-post)
Were you there when the sun refused to shine?
Were you there when the sun refused to shine?
Oh! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble
Were you there when the sun refused to shine?
~Traditional Spiritual
See, my servant shall prosper,
he shall be raised
high and greatly exalted.
Even as many were amazed at him—
so marred was his
look beyond that of man,
and his appearance
beyond that of mortals—
So shall he startle many nations,
because of him
kings shall stand speechless;
For those who have not been told shall see,
those who have not
heard shall ponder it.
~Isaiah 52:13-15 (re-post)
King of kings, yet born of Mary,
As of old on earth He stood,
Lord of lords, in human vesture,
In the body and the blood;
He will give to all the faithful
His own self for heavenly food.
Rank on rank the host of heaven
Spreads its vanguard on the way,
As the Light of light descendeth
From the realms of endless day,
That the powers of hell may vanish
As the darkness clears away.
~Words: Liturgy of St. James, 4th Century & Music: Picardy, French carol melody (partial re-post)