St. André Bessette
“When you say to God, Our Father, he has his ear right next to your lips.”
“There is so little distance between heaven and earth that God always hears us. Nothing but a thin veil separates us from God.”
“Put your self in God’s hands; he abandons no one.”
“It is with the smallest brushes that the artist paints the best paintings.”
“Practice charity with your neighbor—and this doesn’t mean only to give money to the poor. There are many ways to practice charity. We could, for example, keep ourselves from examining our neighbor’s conscience. There is also visiting the sick, who often do not need money, but who need good advice to help them get closer to God.”
~St. André Bessette
“There is so little distance between heaven and earth that God always hears us. Nothing but a thin veil separates us from God.”
“Put your self in God’s hands; he abandons no one.”
“It is with the smallest brushes that the artist paints the best paintings.”
~St. André Bessette