Apparent Incompatibles

“The Gospel constantly unites apparent incompatibles. Paul is intensely involved in this world and yet he admonishes others (and no doubt himself) not to mind the things on earth but those in heaven (Col 3:1-2). He is completely without possessions, yet he has all things (2 Cor 6:10). If one wishes to be full of joy (Jn 15:11), he must enter the narrow gate and tread the hard way (Mt 7:13-14). Caring for one’s brother is crucially important (Mt 25:40), and yet gazing on the beauty of the Lord in prayer is the one over-riding necessity (Ps 27:4; Lk 10:41-42).

Only large minds can accept the whole Gospel. Only magnanimous people can see the richness of reality and thus be liberated from an either/or mentality that fails to be impressed with more than one aspect of a question at a time.”
~Thomas Dubay


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