As Sun Declines And Shadows Fall

As sun declines and shadows fall,
The sea and hills will fade from sight;
Its fiery orb bids us farewell
But promises tomorrow’s light.

And this, O God, creator wise,
You regulate in wondrous way
The laws of this great universe
At which we marvel night and day.

While darkness rides across the sky,
And stars their silent watches keep,
Your children leave their constant toil,
Regaining strength by peaceful sleep.

Made rich in hope, kept strong in faith,
May we be blest throughout the night,
By Christ, the Word, who timeless reigns,
True splendor of the Father’s light.

He is the sun that never sets,
No dusk can make his lustre die,
The kind Protector of the earth,
The joys of all the saints on high.

O Father, Son and Spirit blest
Grant us at last that light to see,
And full of joy your praises sing,
Bathed in your love eternally. Amen.

Tune: Illsey L.M.
Music: John Bishop, 1665-1737
Text: Sol, ecce, lentus occidens, Anselmo Lentini, O.S.B., 1901-1989
Translation: the Benedictines of Saint Cecilia’s Abbey


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