Isaiah 60:1-6

1 Rise up, Jerusalem, and shine forth; thy dawn has come, breaks the glory of the Lord upon thee!
2 What though darkness envelop the earth, though all the nations lie in gloom? Upon thee the Lord shall dawn, over thee his splendour shall be revealed.
3 Those rays of thine shall light the Gentiles on their path; kings shall walk in the splendour of thy sunrise.
4 Lift up thy eyes and look about thee; who are these that come flocking to thee? Sons of thine, daughters of thine, come from far away, or rising up close at hand.
5 Heart of thee shall overflow with wonder and gratitude, to see all the riches of ocean, all the treasure of the Gentiles pouring into thee!
6 A stream of camels thronging about thee, dromedaries from Madian and Epha, bringing all the men of Saba with their gifts of gold and incense, their cry of praise to the Lord! (KNOX)


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