
(St. Gregory Nazianzen - found here)

“What God is in nature and essence, no man ever yet has discovered or can discover. . . . In my opinion it will be discovered when that within us which is godlike and divine, I mean our mind and reason, shall have mingled with its Like, and the image shall have ascended to the Archetype, of which it has now the desire. And this I think is the solution of that vexed problem as to ‘We shall know even as we are known.’ But in our present life all that comes to us is but a little effluence, and as it were a small effulgence from a great Light.”
~St. Gregory Nazianzen

Knowing that here we are crafting a raft to accomplish an arduous
Voyage, or delicate feathers to rocket to stars in the heavens,
Daring to show, to illumine in language the nature of godhead
(Even the heavenly creatures lack power to render due praise), to
Scan the divinity’s fathomless boundary, and helm of all being

~St. Gregory Nazianzen (translation by Timothy E. G. Bartel)


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