With Grieving Hearts the Apostles Mourned
the violent murder of their Lord,
who died in brutal agony,
condemned by harsh and wicked men.
With gentle words the angel spoke
and told the women at the tomb:
In Galilee without delay
you shall behold the risen Lord.
Then as they ran, amazed with joy,
to tell the Apostles what they heard,
they saw the Lord himself alive
and bowing low, they kissed his feet.
The Apostles heard the wondrous news
and left in haste for Galilee,
to see the face for which they longed
and gaze upon the risen Lord.
O Jesus, be for mind and heart
our everlasting paschal joy
and gather us, reborn by grace,
to share your triumphs evermore.
All glory be to you, O Christ,
for you have crushed the reign of death
and through the Apostles, opened wide
the paths of light and lasting life. Amen.
Music: English ballad melody, Trinity College MS., 15th c.
or Mode III, melody 63; Liber Hymnarius, Solesmes, 1983
Text: Tristes erunt Apostoli, 4-5th c.