“God keeps his promises in grander ways than we can ever imagine. Did he not vow to exult the lineage of Abraham and reestablish the kingdom of David? How many centuries the Jews dreamed about God’s salvation, the glorious manner in which he would liberate Israel. Little did they know how radically God planned to get involved. He did not send an emissary or third-party. He sent his own Son—the Word became flesh. God himself came to us. The root of Jesse’s stem was watered with the blood of its gardener. Its produce harvested by the plow of the cross. The Holy Spirit speaks well through the author of Deuteronomy: ‘What other nation is so great as to have their gods near them the way the Lord our God is near us?’ (Deut. 4:7). He is more near than we often realize. For he has joined himself to our very flesh.”
~Blake Britton