God Calls Out
Read: Genesis 16:1-16
“...It is understandable, even expected, that Hagar would say, ‘I'm out of here!’ Just as she set her sights on greener pastures, God intervened and asked her to reconsider. It is not the privileged and the chosen - Abram and Sarai - who offered to God a sacrifice of praise, but the humble handmaid. Hagar heard the word of God and set herself to do all that was required of her. Her response is reminiscent of the humble and obedient response of the handmaid of Nazareth. Hagar, like Mary after her, fulfilled the will the Holy One who called to her (Cf. Mat. 7:21). We are very similar to Hagar. When life becomes too burdensome, we seek an easy out. In our moments of flight, God calls out to us. I am reminded of a saying I saw on a friend's desk: ‘To love a person is to learn the song that is in their heart, and to sing it back to them when they forget.’ We are prone to forgetting the song of love that God put into our hearts, but thankfully He often sings it back to us.”
~Jerome Machar
“...It is understandable, even expected, that Hagar would say, ‘I'm out of here!’ Just as she set her sights on greener pastures, God intervened and asked her to reconsider. It is not the privileged and the chosen - Abram and Sarai - who offered to God a sacrifice of praise, but the humble handmaid. Hagar heard the word of God and set herself to do all that was required of her. Her response is reminiscent of the humble and obedient response of the handmaid of Nazareth. Hagar, like Mary after her, fulfilled the will the Holy One who called to her (Cf. Mat. 7:21). We are very similar to Hagar. When life becomes too burdensome, we seek an easy out. In our moments of flight, God calls out to us. I am reminded of a saying I saw on a friend's desk: ‘To love a person is to learn the song that is in their heart, and to sing it back to them when they forget.’ We are prone to forgetting the song of love that God put into our hearts, but thankfully He often sings it back to us.”
~Jerome Machar