Humble Faith

Almighty God, who of Thine infinite wisdom hast ordained that I should live my life within these narrow bounds of time and circumstance, let me now go forth into the world with a brave and trustful heart. It has pleased Thee to withhold from me a perfect knowledge; therefore deny me not the grace of faith by which I may lay hold of things unseen. Thou hast given me little power to mould things to my own desire; therefore, use Thine own omnipotence to bring Thy desires to pass within me. Thou hast willed it that through labour and pain I should walk the upward way; be Thou then my fellow traveller as I go.

Let me face what Thou dost send with the strength
Thou dost supply:
When Thou prosperest my undertakings, let me give
heed that Thy word may prosper in my heart:
When Thou callest me to go through the dark valley,
let me not persuade myself that I know a way round:
Let me not refuse any opportunity of service which may offer
itself today, nor fall prey to any temptation that may lie in wait for me:
Let not the sins of yesterday be repeated in the life of today, nor
the life of today set any evil example to the life of tomorrow.

…I thank Thee …most for the Incarnation of Thy dear Son, in whose name these my prayers are said. Amen.
~John Baillie


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