
I came across these two quotes recently. They could be viewed by some as controversial and I am still thinking about them. Hopefully there is something in them worth reading. They are very convicting:

"Love for God and love for the world cannot coexist in the same soul: the stronger drives out the weaker, and it soon appears who loves the world, and who follows Christ. The strength of people's love is shown in what they do.

The devil has got hold of many whom we count good. For he possesses those who are merciful, chaste, and humble--self-confessed sinners to a man, of course, hair-shirted and penance-laden! Very often indeed are mortal wounds obscured by the odor of sanctity.

The devil may have the busy worker, or even the compelling preacher, but not, surely the person whose heart is aglow with charity, ever eager to love God and indifferent to vanity. The eager love of the wicked, on the other hand, is always for what is shameful. They have ceased from all spiritual exercise, or at least are flabby and feeble. Their love has no pattern, being given more to things that are of this world than of the next, more to bodies than to souls."
~Richard Rolle

"Salvation is shown to faith, it is prepared for hope, but it is given only to charity."
~St. Francis De Sales


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