Everything Matters

"The slightest movement affects the whole of nature; one stone can alter the whole sea. Likewise, in the realm of grace, the slightest action affects everything because of its consequences; therefore everything matters."
~Blaise Pascal

"...Every sin harms everyone in the Body, and every act of love and obedience to the Head helps every organ in the Body.
...say a loving and helpful word to your family, [and] some martyr three thousand miles and three hundred years away may receive enough grace to endure his trials because of you. And if instead you sin one more time this afternoon, that martyr may weaken, compromise and be broken. If there is a universal spiritual gravity, if we all help or harm each other, there must be some one straw that breaks the camel's back, one vote that decides the election.

Everything matters. There are no 'victimless crimes'. Every sin against Christ harms his Body and every member in it."
~Peter Kreeft


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