All You Who Seek a Comfort Sure
All you who seek a comfort sure
In trouble and distress,
Whatever sorrow vex the mind,
Or guilt the soul oppress:
Jesus, Who gave Himself for you,
Upon the Cross to die,
Opens to you His sacred heart:
O to that heart draw nigh.
Now hear Him as He speaks to us
Those words for ever blest:
“All you who labour, come to me,
And I will give you rest.”
O Jesus, joy of saints on high,
Thou hope of sinners here,
Attracted by those loving words,
To Thee I lift my prayer.
~Words: Edward Caswall & Music: Ralph Vaughan Williams
In trouble and distress,
Whatever sorrow vex the mind,
Or guilt the soul oppress:
Jesus, Who gave Himself for you,
Upon the Cross to die,
Opens to you His sacred heart:
O to that heart draw nigh.
Now hear Him as He speaks to us
Those words for ever blest:
“All you who labour, come to me,
And I will give you rest.”
O Jesus, joy of saints on high,
Thou hope of sinners here,
Attracted by those loving words,
To Thee I lift my prayer.
~Words: Edward Caswall & Music: Ralph Vaughan Williams