Infinite Love
“We do not know Your mystery,
Infinite Love;
But You do have a heart,
For You seek the prodigal son,
And hold against Your breast
This troublesome child
Which is the world of mortals.
We do not see Your face,
Infinite Love;
But You do have eyes,
For You weep through the oppressed,
And look upon us
With a shining gaze
That reveals Your forgiveness.
We do not see Your work,
Infinite Love;
But You have hands
That lighten our labor,
And You toil with us
To make on the earth
A way leading to Your rest.
We do not know Your language,
Infinite Love;
But You are a cry
That our brothers and sisters hurl at us.
And the sinner’s call
Coming up from the abyss
Toward the God of freedom.”
~From: Days of the Lord: Solemnities and feasts by Liturgical Press
Infinite Love;
But You do have a heart,
For You seek the prodigal son,
And hold against Your breast
This troublesome child
Which is the world of mortals.
We do not see Your face,
Infinite Love;
But You do have eyes,
For You weep through the oppressed,
And look upon us
With a shining gaze
That reveals Your forgiveness.
We do not see Your work,
Infinite Love;
But You have hands
That lighten our labor,
And You toil with us
To make on the earth
A way leading to Your rest.
We do not know Your language,
Infinite Love;
But You are a cry
That our brothers and sisters hurl at us.
And the sinner’s call
Coming up from the abyss
Toward the God of freedom.”
~From: Days of the Lord: Solemnities and feasts by Liturgical Press