Our Way Toward Home

“These [words] were spoken directly to me [Ron] on one of the first days I spent walking the streets with him in his neighborhood. I made a derogatory comment about one of his friends when Denver stopped, stared into my eyes, and began to school me.

‘Mr. Ron, you can’t judge people by what they do or what they have. You’ve got to judge them by what they’ve been through. And you ain’t gonna know what they’ve been through unless you cares enough to ask. But if the truth was to really come out? God don’t need no more judges. He’s got courthouses full of them. What God does need is servants. I pray you will become one.

Mr. Ron, sometimes rich folks like you rise up so high trying to get yourself more stuff that you miss getting to know God. But you can never stoop too low to help somebody and have God miss knowing about you.’”


“I found out everybody’s different – the same kind of different as me. We’re all just regular folks walkin down the road God done set in front of us. The truth about it is, whether we is rich or poor or something in between, this earth ain’t no final restin place. So in a way, we is all homeless – just workin our way toward home.”
~Denver T. Moore (from Same Kind of Different As Me - A Modern-Day Slave, an International Art Dealer, and the Unlikely Woman Who Bound Them Together)


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