In This Our Bright And Paschal Day
In this our bright and Paschal day
The sun shines out with purer ray,
When Christ, to earthly sight made plain,
The glad Apostles see again.
The wounds, the riven wounds he shows
In that his flesh with light that glows,
In loud accord both far and nigh
The Lord’s arising testify.
O Christ, the King who lovest to bless,
To you our hearts and souls possess;
To you our praise that we may pay,
To whom our laud is due for aye.
Tune: Ach, bleib bei uns L.M.
Music: Samuel Scheidt, 1567-1654
Text: Aurora lucis rutilat, verses 9-11, attributed
to Saint Ambrose of Milan (340-397)
Translation: John Mason Neale, 1818-1866