He Died For Us

When we were sinners Jesus came
And took upon Himself our blame
Willing to bear our sin and shame
He died for us

The Son of God became a man
Fulfilling God’s eternal plan
Conceived before the world began
He died for us

There once stood a wall
Deep and wide strong and tall
There it stood
Built of all our unholiness
But this man by His blood
Broke that wall loosed the flood
Of the mercies of God to mankind

And now God offers to each one
A priceless pardon for what we’ve done
Because of Jesus His own Son
Who died for us

There once stood a wall
Deep and wide strong and tall
There it stood
Built of all our unholiness
But this man by His blood
Broke that wall loosed the flood
Of the mercies of God to mankind

And now God offers to each one
A priceless pardon for what we’ve done
Because of Jesus God’s own Son
Who died for us
He died for us
He died for us

CCLI Song # 59366
Jimmy Owens
© 1971 Lillenas Publishing Company (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.)
For use solely with the SongSelect. Terms of Use. All rights reserved. www.ccli.com
CCLI License # 2550789
(Performed by Burt Kettinger)


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