New Life (Again)

(My wife holding our second grandson)

In less than a month I became a grandfather yet again when my second grandson was born two nights ago. I am very proud of my daughter (my second oldest this time)! Thanks be to God that the new mother, baby, and new father are all well!

Holy God, We Praise Thy Name

Holy God, we praise Thy Name;
Lord of all, we bow before Thee!
All on earth Thy scepter claim,
All in Heaven above adore Thee;
Infinite Thy vast domain,
Everlasting is Thy reign.

Hark! the loud celestial hymn
Angel choirs above are raising,
Cherubim and seraphim,
In unceasing chorus praising;
Fill the heavens with sweet accord:
Holy, holy, holy, Lord.

Holy Father, Holy Son,
Holy Spirit, Three we name Thee;
While in essence only One,
Undivided God we claim Thee;
And adoring bend the knee,
While we own the mystery.

~Words: Attributed to Ignaz Franz & Music: Katholisches Gesangbuch (Re-posted)
