All You Who Long To See The Christ

All you who long to see the Christ,
lift up your eyes to heaven’s height,
for there you will behold the sign
of his eternal majesty.

This star in light and beauty bright
outshines the circle of the sun.
It brings glad tidings to the earth,
that God in mortal flesh has come.

Lo, Persian Magi from the East,
the gateway of the rising sun,
discern with wise and learned skill
the royal standard of the King.

“This great one, who is he?,” they ask.
“The sov’reign ruler of the stars;
celestial hosts before him quake,
the light and skies obey his will.

“Some noble wonder we behold
that knows no limit, end, or death,
sublime, exalted, boundless One,
more ancient than the heights and depths.

“The King of nations, this is he,
and sov’reign King of Israel,
pledged to their father Abraham
and his descendants evermore.”

To you, Lord Jesus, glory be,
revealed to nations on this day,
with God the Father, ever blest,
and loving Spirit, ever one. Amen.

Tune: EISENACH, 8 8 8 8
Music: Johann Hermann Schein, 1586-1630
Text: Quicumque Christum quæritis, Prudentius


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