To Christ, the Prince of Peace

To Christ, the Prince of Peace
And Son of God most high,
The ruler of the world to come,
We lift our joyful cry.

Deep in his heart, for us
The wound of love he bore,
That love with which he still inflames
The hearts that him adore.

O Jesus, victim blest,
What else but purest love
Could make your sacred heart pour forth
God's graces from above?

O fount of endless life
And spring of water clear,
O heav'nly flame which cleanses all
Who unto you draw near!

Enfold us in your heart,
O Jesus, Savior blest,
So shall we find your plenteous grace
And heav'n's eternal rest.

~Words: Edward Caswall (translation of the Latin hymn) & Music: Henry Gauntlett


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