Prepare for the Bridegroom

(Found here)

“This month of March will be like living the entire liturgical year in a month, a microcosm of each of our lives. We begin the month during the season of Lent and the final day of the month is Easter Sunday. We begin in the Vale of Tears, continue to the Cross, and end at an empty tomb.

Being born with Original Sin, we have a darkened intellect and a weakened will. Our life is a struggle and fight with the flesh, the world, and the devil. However, it is different from any other historical battle or war man has faced, for in this struggle, we go into battle knowing victory has already been attained. The grace of Christ has overcome sin and death. We battle, but the war has been won. What is not secure is the salvation of our souls and those of the world...but God’s grace is there! It is given to us from the throne of victory!

As we continue our Lenten observance, dedicate the next 30 days to entering that interior battle with humility and sobriety. The salvation of our souls is at stake. Have faith and confidence in Our Lord who has won the grace of salvation. We simply need to cooperate with His grace in the fulfillment of our duties of fidelity and love of God and His Church.

Recall the ending of the Parable of the Ten Virgins in Matthew 25. Some were prepared and some failed to prepare for the bridegroom.

‘Later the other virgins arrived and said, “Lord, Lord, open the door for us!” But he replied, “Truly I tell you, I do not know you.”’ Therefore, keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.

Jesus asks us to remain vigilant in our daily prayer and sacramental life. May these final days of Lent lead to closer communion with Christ.

Trim your wicks, fill your lamps, and be ready. The bridegroom is coming!”

(From an email from TAN Books)


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