Remember (9/11 Tribute)

(September 11, 2001 - found here)

how lovely we were going to work that day
how we carried our lunch bags
how we propped open our briefcases
and pulled out thrice-folded newspapers
remember how we sat on the subway that day
and blew the steam off our coffees
remember the scuff of our shoes on the sidewalks
the brief lingering of our perfumes on the corner
where we waited for the light
remember our painted fingernails our painted lips
remember our names stitched on our coverall pockets
our monogrammed pens remember our wedding rings
and our naked fingers where there used to be
or never were wedding rings
remember our fading suntans our new haircuts
or the way we were due for a new haircut
remember how lovely we were
going to work that day
with the sky so blue above our heads
and the skyscrapers gleaming
as usual
in the sun

~Denver Butson


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