Humility and Pride
“The ability to see anything clearly, [St. Thomas Aquinas]
tells us, is connected to the presence or absence of humility. If we have
humility, our eyes are opened to the presence of wonder. It is wonder that
enables us to contemplate the reality of things so that we can orient ourselves
in relation to others, in the light of reality. Such contemplation leads to the
gift of dilatatio, the dilation of the soul so that it is open to the reception
of the fullness of reality, recognizing its place within it. On the other hand,
the presence of pride, which should be properly understood as the absence of
humility, closes the eyes to wonder, blinding us to any possible contemplation
of the real, contracting the soul so that it gollumizes itself into a shriveled
self-centered parody of what it is meant to be and called to be.”
~Joseph Pearce