I am with you

(Found here)
“In our time there is a seeking,
an anxious groping and searching for divine things.
A great loneliness has come over our time,
a loneliness that is found only where godforsakenness reigns.
In the midst of our large cities,
in the greatest, most frantic activity of untold masses of people,
we see the greatest amount of loneliness and homelessness.

But the longing grows that the time will nonetheless come again
when God dwells among people,
when God lets himself be found.

In the middle of this frantic activity
and vociferous extolling of new ways and means
stands the one word of Jesus Christ:
‘I am with you . . .’ (Matt. 28:20)

He does not prescribe ways in which we can reach him.
Rather, he says quite simply:
‘I am with you.’”

~Dietrich Bonhoeffer


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