Difficulties in Your Life

(Found here)

“Life is a battle. Did you not know this? If we must renounce ourselves, take up our cross, follow Jesus to Calvary, what is there surprising about the necessity of struggling, suffering, bleeding, and crying? Your difficulties arise from your companions, from your work, from your own physical and moral miseries; or perhaps all three at the same time.

Before God, trace, one sincere time, a decided course of action regarding your attitude of soul: and whatever you find, refuse to argue. Alarmist monologues will serve no purpose. Do what you can; abandon the rest to the mercy of God. ‘God knows all; He can do all things; He loves me’: this is what justifies abandonment to Him. Live in the warm light of Psalm 23: ‘The Lord is my shepherd; I shall want for nothing.’ Every evening, fall asleep murmuring, ‘He will cover you with His wings; you will find a refuge beneath His greatness. Have confidence: nothing evil will ever happen to you!’

...If you understand the mystery of the Cross and your [life], do not have any self-pity. God loves those who give while laughing.

Let, therefore, Christ suffer in you; lend Him your body and your heart, in order that He can ‘achieve in His Mystical Body what He began on Calvary.’ If not, you do not merit the choice that He made for your person. The beautiful face lacerated and sorrowful, the Holy Face turned toward you will reflect itself on you. Offer Him, recollected and calm, the virgin mirror of your soul: upon earth, it is in you the image that is pleasing to God.”
~An Anonymous Carthusian Monk


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