God's Words in Difficult Times

(Found here)

MY CHILD, believe in Me. Put your trust in My love and mercy. Many a time, when you think that I am far from you, I am very close to you. When you feel as though everything is going wrong, then it is that you can give the best proof of your faith and your loyalty to Me.

2. You are not a failure just because things turn out differently from what you desired. Do not judge things by your disappointment or dislike. Keep discouragement out of your heart, no matter how hopeless matters may appear. Do your best and accept the results as My Will.

3. I am your Maker and your loving God. Your most hidden thoughts are clearly seen by Me. Your eternal salvation is My main interest. When you feel disinterested and disgusted with your daily activities, remember that I have good reasons for letting you feel so.

4. If I have taken anything away from you, you cannot rightfully complain. You cannot claim anything as your own, not even yourself. All things are Mine. Without Me you are actually nothing. Even when I seem to deal harshly with you, I deserve praise and obedience, because My actions proceed from eternal wisdom, and infinite love.

5. What I do to you is done because I love you far more than you love yourself or anyone else. When I send you any trouble or affliction, do not complain or become sad. Peace and contentment will come to you as soon as it is for your best interests.

In all things God loves me and thinks of My true happiness. Because I am short-sighted and self-centered, I complain when things go wrong. God could prevent many a disagreeable experience of mine. He doesn't do so for very good reasons. As I grow older and wiser, I shall see how much I over-estimated the passing successes or comforts of earthly life.

Dear Lord, if I knew how very wise You are, and how much You love me, I would soon learn to be content with Your holy Will. In my selfishness, I desired a heaven on earth as well as after death. Now I want to accept Your Will in all things. Whether You send me consolation or desolation, let me serve You as You deserve. I shall try my best to improve myself in daily life. After I have done my best, I shall accept the results as Your holy Will. Amen.

~Anthony Paone (from My Daily Bread: A Summary of the Spiritual Life, Simplified and Arranged for Daily Reading, Reflection and Prayer)


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