The Way God Paints

(Found here)

God chooses ultramarine
blue of course Me I’m burnt umber
that reddish-brown color There we stand

braving the white and
deckled edge of a cotton page
smooth paper of the hand-made sort

God takes his big fat
squirrel-hair brush
mops clear water across every inch

The sheen settles and God
says Go A blop of blue and
something like sky falls

seeps and spreads fans
into my skyline the place
where blue and brown bleed

into gray Thunderheads
blossom between mine and Thine’s
lines I’m afraid it’s too dark so I wipe it

with my hand as if that smudge
won’t still look like rain’s a-comin’
an imminent downpour

I daub burnt brown into the damp horizon
just to be clear there is one a muddy
kind of transparency regarding

our differences I confess
I’ve spoiled the scene overworked the day
God just stands there watches it dry

I’m thinking oh for the love
God you can use another color something brilliant
like yellow ochre

or new gamboge do some sun somewhere
and oh so slowly God dips his brush
into the blackest black

scribbles across the top
an audacious signature
like birds seen from afar

You have to stand back to see it
See those birds are taking off
aloft and flying whoa they’re actually flying

off the page No no no this cannot be
but there you are no there I am
borne along on their soaring wing

as light beyond color bursts
all joy
with fear and sorrow

The torrent a bluish rain of tears
brushed away

by the palm of His hand

~Susan Cowger


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