Eternal Author Of The World

Eternal Author of the world,
who rule and order night and day,
you measure seasons by the hours
to lift our weary minds and hearts.

The herald of the day now cries,
all watchful through the darkest hours;
nocturnal light for those who roam,
he marks the watches of the night.

He crows: the morning star awakes
and rids the skies of night and gloom;
he crows: all roving errant bands
forsake their paths of vice and harm.

He crows: the sailor gathers strength,
and storms on foaming seas grow calm;
he crows: the Church’s rock himself
by bitter tears dissolves his sin.

O Jesus, heed us as we fall,
correct us by your loving gaze,
for if you look, transgressions fail
and tears release us from our guilt.

Shine forth your light upon our hearts,
shake off the slumber from our souls,
and let our voice first sound your praise
as we fulfill our vows to you.

O Christ, to you, most loving King,
and to the Father glory be,
one with the Spirit Paraclete,
from age to age for evermore. Amen.

Tune: SONG 34 (ANGELS’ SONG), 8 8 8 8
Music: Orlando Gibbons, 1583-1623
or Mode I, melody 26; Liber Hymnarius, Solesmes, 1983
Text: Æterne rerum conditor, noctem diemque qui regis, Saint Ambrose, 340-397


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