Shepherd of Souls, in Love Come, Feed Us

Shepherd of souls, in love come, feed us,
Life-giving Bread for hungry hearts!
To those refreshing waters lead us
Where dwells the peace your grace imparts.
May we, the wayward in your fold,
By your forgiveness rest consoled.

Life-giving vine, come feed and nourish,
Strengthen each branch with life divine;
Ever in you O may we flourish
Fruitful the branches on the vine.
Lord, may our souls be purified
So that in Christ may we abide.

Sinful is man who kneels before you,
Worthy of you are you alone;
Yet in your name do we implore you,
Rich are the mercies you have shown.
Say but the word, O Lord divine,
Then are our hearts made pure like thine.

Music: George Joseph
Text: Omar Westendorf


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