O God, Creator Of Us All

O God, creator of us all,
From whom we come, to whom we go,
You look with pity on our hearts,
The weakness of our wills you know.

Forgive us all the wrong we do,
And purify each sinful soul.
What we have darkened, heal with light,
And what we have destroyed, make whole.

The fast by law and prophets taught,
By you, O Christ, was sanctified.
Bless all our penance, give us strength
To share the cross on which you died.

O God of mercy, hear our prayer,
With Christ your Son, and Spirit blest,
Transcendent Trinity in whom
Created things all come to rest.

Tune: Breslau, L.M.
Music: As Hymnodus Sacer, Leipzig, 1625
Text: Stanbrook Abbey


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