Now Dawn Proclaims The Sun’s Approach

Now dawn proclaims the sun’s approach
with rays so welcome to the earth;
with color she adorns the world
and clothes all things in fairest hue.

O Christ, the everlasting Sun,
you shine on us with living light;
we turn to you with hymns of praise
and long to find our joy in you.

You are the Wisdom from on high,
the Father’s Word through whom all things
in wondrous order shine with light
and so attract our minds and hearts.

Then, grant us children of the light,
to walk with zeal and eager step,
that always by our lives and acts
we show the Father’s light and grace.

Lord, grant that we may always speak
sincerely, with no trace of guile,
and that the sweetest joys of truth
may stir and raise our mind and heart.

O Christ, to you, most loving King,
and to the Father glory be,
one with the Spirit Paraclete,
from age to age for evermore. Amen.

Tune: MORNING HYMN, 8 8 8 8
Music: François Barthélémon
or Mode I, melody 1; Liber Hymnarius, Solesmes
Text: Pergrata mundo nuntiat, Anselmo Lentini, O. S. B.


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